Monday 12 January 2015

The Recovery Process Generally

The Recovery Process Generally

Recovery is essentially the reclaiming of ones life. Even though the programming maybe still present, it does not operate anymore with accessing and deployment. Recovery also means the memories do not overwhelm so that ones life is not functional. Horrible effects such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) do not engulf one. The survivor has done all the hard work of separating from the perpetrators and not playing into the supposed guilt and lies, and has worked on memories in order to have a fuller life and with direction. It is similar to sexual abuse survivors, recovering war veterans and outlawed gang e.g. bikie survivors. Sexual abuse survivors follow the awareness of being abused, possibly confronting the perpetrators, working on the supposed guilt and shame, denial of the perpetrator/s and the painful memories. Veterans also work on the PTSD and depression that war brings, and depending upon the person, the anger at being cannon fodder for the elite’s games. What is different for AGOCMCP survivors is that the programming is deliberately non conscious. It is dissimilar to sexual abuse, war and outlawed gangs, in that the programming and memories are hidden by technical means. Perpetrators of sexual abuse, war and outlawed gangs may try to deny or stop the victims from knowing the abuse, but psychological methods, such as dissociation and keeping enforced guilt and adherence in a separate personality to the victim, do not exist. As pointed out in the Abuse section, survivors specifically need to understand and work on the intricacies of programming and the abuse of family dynamics to create a victim.

Even though there are no rigid stages of recovery, survivors and counsellors have found that survivors do follow some loose phases. The stages generally are: awareness of being abused either currently or in the past. This comes from memories and/or finding validating information e.g. the Internet and survivors. The second stage is acceptance and validation that the abuse exists. AGOCMCP survivors strongly need to validate these memories and/or current situation as the perpetrators attempt to stop memory of it (especially by non conscious programming), and society generally hasn’t accepted nor understood it. The next stage is finding safety from perpetrator intimidation and non conscious programming. This is important for feeling safe within oneself in order to work on the memories and the indoctrination. The fourth stage is survivorship when the survivor empowers him/herself so that she/he controls his/her life. This basically is about working through the indoctrination process (programming) or commonly called deprogramming, and working on the memories of the deployment and how you/the survivor was forced into them. It can be done alone, however, every survivor I have talked to have seen it close to necessary to get support from a counsellor, other survivors, literature, the internet, workshops, conferences, support groups, etc. The last stage is breaking away from this support network and establishing an independent life that is not seriously affected by the abuse. These stages are not fixed. E.g. a person can be in therapy for non specific reasons and then get memory and then follow the stages. They are the general pattern of what survivors go through.

Unfortunately, survivorship takes some time. Generally for all survivors, it takes many years to fully break free. This is because the perpetrators abused you/the survivor for many years, and it takes time to work out and escape from their attempted control and manipulation. Being aware of the programming, especially the accessing, is especially difficult as one has to be fully aware of time and not allow a non conscious personality to come out and contact. To fully break free means to not be directly controlled and manipulated, and to have an actual life that is not determined by the effects of the abuse. Having a non abused Life means being sufficiently able to leave the past behind.

On this page we will look at the awareness of being abused; acceptance and validation; and safety. These are the three stages that are beneficial in order to work on programming and memories.

 Awareness of Being Abused

Being aware of being abused is obviously important in being a survivor. It’s where the victim/survivor can acknowledge and accept that abuse happened or is happening, and can take steps to stop it. It’s also the most difficult stage. It’s when the victim/survivor has to take stock of him/herself to see if s/he can cope, can find resources, can endure the memories and programming, etc. The desire for freedom and the awareness that this abuse can actually happen is stronger and survivors take on the challenge.  The level of awareness depends upon how much the victim/survivor can accept of the reality of the abuse. There are many threats and lies, which have been put in place by previous and current trauma, to stop the victim/survivor remembering. Most survivors take some time to fully accept that they are or were abused. There are two main forms of acceptance. The first is an overall one of being a survivor. The other is of specific aspects such as parts of oneself or personalities, the brainwashing/programming, roles, tasks, cueing, systems, etc.

Survivors can become aware by many ways. S/he can be triggered by something similar like a news item, or reading a book, etc. This reminds them of a place where the abuse happened, the form of the abuse, etc. Spy and war novels especially are triggering for AGOCMCP survivors. Or s/he may have realistic dreams of the abuse, or have a memory flashback where the memory is strong and has been noted. The victim/survivor maybe in a sexual assault or ritual abuse survivor group and a AGOCMCP survivor is disclosing about this form of abuse.

However, if s/he does get memory this can be stopped by programming where non conscious parts have to cover the memories over and tell the person that its all lies, etc. Most AGOCMCP victims/survivors are being accessed and deployed even when they get the awareness. Perpetrators think that they can control a victim/survivor for as long at they want and so will continually try to non consciously access and deny that the abuse happened/is happening. Also society, even counsellors, do not know of its existence, and survivors have been told that the memories are “an illness”, or a fabrication by professionals. They could be told by their doctor that they were “making things up”, shut away in psychiatric hospitals, heavily medicated, labeled “delusional”, etc.

 It took me a long time to realize that it was AGOCMCP with a military and espionage basis. I was told by the handler that the abuse was a “continuation of ritual abuse” and that the murders I saw were that of rituals even though they occurred in the Pacific. When I realized that it was militarily based I remembered the military and illegal products that fellow survivors on an email mind control support list had been abused for and then fully realised it was AGOCMCP. Some survivors have memories by themselves and can be confident that they were/are real.

Awareness means trusting your feelings, intuition, memories, dreams, logical thinking, or any other abilities and things that help you get the truth. As programming is also full of lies and false images, it is really important to determine what is real and what isn’t. If there is confusion, which happens a lot to victims/survivor, use rationality and intuition a lot. Awareness is part of the all important consciousness and association needed to override the non consciousness and dissociation of programming.. The aim of the perpetrators is to keep the victim/survivor dissociated or spaced out, and for victims/survivors to not be conscious of either past or current abuse. Consciousness is knowledge and the ability to control your life. You know now you are a victim/survivor and can do something about it. After a while, the victim/survivors learns to trust his/her feelings and ways of getting consciousness and it becomes second nature.

Survivors can also believe that they are/have been abused regardless of how they were dismissed. The memories are too strong and too “unusual” to be fabricated or as a supposed symptom of a “mental illness”. The victim/survivor then is able to get memory because s/he knows it exists.


Validation is extremely important. The memories, programming, accessing and deployment need to be support by belief and substantiation. Firstly, the abuse is not publically known and accepted. Secondly, it involves perpetrators that are in the ruling elite of a country, and is within the systemic corruption of many government departments. Thirdly, it involves widespread and extremely illegal activities which are extremely underground. And lastly, the programming and accessing intend to cover it up and not be let known to the victim/survivor. Also there are stages in the awareness the victim/survivor has and the abuse may not make sense at first as s/he is only getting small pieces eg. shootings in a tropical forest.  However, over time the bigger picture of a paramilitary unit reveals itself. On the positive side is that similar forms of abuse such as organised pedophilia (and within government departments, schools, etc) is publically known and accepted, and that ritual abuse is accepted by most in the counselling community, particularly those in sexual assault.

It is really important for friends, non offending family, partners, counsellors and concerned people to validate what the victim/survivor is saying. It has taken a lot of courage to accept the abuse and s/he needs support from loving people. It is very important to be validated because, if not, the programming lies that s/he is “making it up” or “is crazy” comes on fully and can lead to hospitalization. AGOCMCP can be understood within many existing frameworks. Its organized crime abusing mind controlled people as similar to both ritual abuse and organized crime itself; and it’s a paramilitary unit as similar to historical examples in Australia of the Old and New Guards. Today many survivors get memories of the abuse and, with supporters, are able to get validation by the internet, alternative media, aware counsellors and people and friends who are aware of the abuse.


Getting safety is a conscious desire to create both psychological and physical spaces that are free from abuse. For any survivor of abuse safety is necessary in order to recognize that it was/is abuse; to be able to remember the abuse safely; have some distance from the perpetrator/s in order to not be reabused, intimidated and invalidated by them; work on memories; and have a meaningful life. The desire for, and obtaining safety, is itself creating a base or nest, and something to fall back onto when in times of crisis or uncertainty. It is also the awareness that you are actually escaping or have actually escaped. Therefore safety is really seen as something to achieve. For the above reasons too, safety is usually the first step in recovery for AGOCMCP survivors, however there are other very important considerations especially for AGOCMCP survivors. It means getting rid of programming in ones mind that keeps one attached to the perpetrators and therefore harmed, and creating a physical space where no harm can happen.

What is Safety for AGOCMCP Victims/Survivors?

Safety is not being victimised or abused by the perpetrators. This means not being accessed, reprogrammed, intimidated and/or deployed by the perpetrators. Unfortunately the situation for nearly all AGOCMCP victims/survivors “finding safety” turns out to be the exact opposite. Victims/survivors may think they “are escaping” by going to a new city/area/overseas, or being in a new and different part of the city or area from where they were originally abused, or being protected by non offending family, or by another way. However, the truth is that unless a victim/survivor has worked on his/her programming, s/he will still be accessed, reprogrammed, intimidated and/or deployed by the perpetrators. And victims/survivors can be accessed anywhere there is the means to do so eg. a public phone in another country, an internet email service on the other side of the world, etc. Perpetrators can deliberately abuse the victim/survivors desire to escape and turn it against him/her. So full awareness of time and where one has been is necessary. There is also stopping physical intimidation. Perpetrators have gone to victim/survivors houses and intimidated them when they have been alone. I know one survivor who found spooks in her backyard about to enter her back door and her husband was not at home. She yelled as loudly as she could and scared them so much they went around the front and got into their car and drove away. She then rang the police and the police did routine checks. The perpetrators didn’t come back. After a while, the perpetrators stop as they cannot spend so much time on what is really a time wasting thing. Another survivor I know had feces put in her bed while she was away. She moved into a friend’s house and was then ok.

The perpetrators have lied and deceived about “safety” as they know how important an issue it is. One perpetrator may lie that s/he is “safe” or this place is “safe”, or “someone else is unsafe” etc in order to get you to stay in one place or to go on a mission.  I was told that I would be “safe” if I moved from Wollongong to Brisbane, but it was really to be reprogrammed. I was also lied to that if I went to  Malaysia I would be “escaping”. Another lie. I was being abused to spy on Muslim people in the wake of 9/11. The important thing to remember is to not believe any perpetrator on anything, and to see if you are doing something irrational or against your usual. Its also important to listen to your personalities and see if they have been accessed and what lies they/you were told non consciously. Therefore it is important to understand what real safety is.

Also as AGOCMCP victims/survivors we generally have not experienced real safety at any time and so we may need to learn. Use your intuition, dreams, rationality, whether you have actually been accessed, reprogrammed and/or deployed by being aware of lost time and feeling spaced out. Get feedback from a partner, friends and counsellor as to whether you are very dissociated, not your usual self and losing time. These are signs of being accessed.

Psychological and Physical Safety and their Interrelationships

Safety can be broadly separated into two areas - Psychological and Physical Safety. Psychological safety is mainly freeing yourself from programming, particularly accessing, and from carrying around painful memory. Physical safety is stopping the accessing in its physical means e.g. controlling the telephone and email, stopping possible intimidation, and having a nurturing, creative and lovely living space – your home.. Psychological and physical safety are also interrelated. If you feel physically safe, you also feel psychologically safe. When you want psychological safety you also create physical safety.

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is a personal place in one self where the perpetrators and its brainwashing and abusive memories cannot psychologically get to. The aim is to create a more solid safe place in ones self. This is the free, creative, untouched, analytical, joyous, childlike, adventurous, soulful nature of yourself. From this base you can start to work on the memories and the brainwashing better. Many survivors are deceived into thinking that a survivor does not or cannot control any part of him/herself. The lie is that s/he is totally controlled by perpetrators. First of all the survivor got actual memory of the abuse and is able to get validation that it does exist. If the mind was totally controlled, then s/he could not have gotten memory and sought out validation. Another lie is that the survivor is totally dependant upon the perpetrators. Challenge this by doing something when you want to. Go to the movies when you want, read information about AGOCMCP when you want, write about AGOCMCP when you want, talk about the abuse to your therapist when you want. After a while you begin to see that you can challenge and stop this lie. Human beings are not and can never be robots. The perpetrators know this which is why they reprogram, try to maintain accessing, etc. We are not robots and can really do whatever we want. Another way of proving this is that we sleep, eat, dream, have feelings and memories. If we were robots we wouldn’t do these things. From this awareness comes the conscious and true knowledge that you control your mind. There maybe lots of programming, but these are lies and deception. Gradually by undoing the programming, you will see more and more that you in fact do control your own mind. You may know this already and its important to emphasise this.

Programming Concerns

Unfortunately after getting memory and validation, victims/survivors still have intact programming and so therefore can still be accessed, reprogrammed, intimidated and/or deployed by the perpetrators. Programming does not simply disappear simply because one is safe or is getting memory. It stays intact until it’s worked on by the survivor. Counsellors who work with AGOCMCP victims/survivors believe that 90% of victims/survivors are still being accessed when starting to get memory. This makes sense. Unless a victim/survivor has an understanding of his/her programming, especially the accessing, they cant really work on the accessing. The main way perpetrators control is through accessing and the programming underlying it This is when unconscious parts have to contact at particular places and times by either email, private telephone, public telephone, postal mail and/or face to face contact. This can happen in your city/town/region, while travelling in Australia or when overseas. If you can stop the accessing/programming contact then you can break the control. Stopping programming accessing means understanding the programming itself and being aware of where you are physically all the time. Understanding programming means lots of talking to parts inside, especially those that have to contact. You can ask if anyone inside has made contact with someone. Sometimes you may get no answers as parts are too afraid to answer because of the torture and lies. Sometimes you may get false answers to cover up what happened. Sometimes you may have to ask other parts who know of the contacting, but are not so intimidated. These parts maybe hushed up by contacting parts. Use your intuition and rationality or any other means to get an understanding of what is going on with the parts. Don’t be critical or condemning. These parts have been cruelly treated and sometimes when they were children and even infants, and so understandably, may balk and follow the lies of the perpetrator. Listen and talk soothingly but honestly. Be respectful. If there is too much retaliation going on respect this and also see it as a sign that contact is actually happening. Use approaches that allow parts to describe what the contact is but outside the confines of what they were forced to do. Most parts were forced into allegiance and the contacting with speaking it or writing it down. Ask them instead to draw what the contact is or to describe it another language if they know another language, or use words similar such as wedding for Wednesday, to use pictures from magazines, or to write it in the opposite hand they normally use for writing or any other way that can break the rules of allegiance and contacting. My parts sing songs to give clues. In this way they are not breaking the programming. The parts do want to tell you but are bound up. They will give you clues by these and other means and so listen to them.

Mostly, you need to develop their trust and explain to them that they are being abused. They are being forced to do things which are against their interests. Child parts particularly know what injustice is and when they see this will go against the perpetrators and give you information instead. Sometimes you also need to be firm, but again not condemning, as they are so beguiled and treated like fools. Again once they see this they will help you. Parts are also abused between perpetrators acting like “good guys/bad guys”. You need to show that all the perpetrators are bad guys and actually know each other and are friends with each other. They are all bad guys. Explain this in that a supposed good guy is also pushing them to do things against what they want to do and when they want do it. Piece by piece, and sometimes with a lot information, the parts will give you information. They are not silly, but just treated as fools by the perpetrators.

 Another way of seeing if contacting is happening, is to constantly observe and be aware of what you are doing all the time. This may seem difficult, but after a while you get used to simply being aware of when and where you are. Use a daily diary and write down where you went and at what time. See if there are any patterns like going to a particular park on a particular day of the week, etc. See if there are any blank, missing times. Notice if you have any major unexplainable urges to leave the house to ring, email, make face to face contact, etc or be back at the house for ringing from you phone or emailing, etc. Notice if you are making plans to do things but don’t know what they actually are. i.e. you’ve organised your day about going into town to a park, but there is really no logical or any other reason to do this. You may have been forced to do face to face contact at the park. The awareness and exercises either reveal the accessing directly or will get parts to think about what is happening and with trust will reveal the accessing to you.

 Overall, use your intuition, your feelings, your rationality – why was I in this place at this time? I would have rather been back at the house watching a video. Also your dreams or whatever gives you information, and most all listen to what parts are trying to tell you. It is really important to bring the unconscious separate personalities into consciousness and being one with you. This happens by respectful understanding and support and is the same as when talking to children and adults who have been tortured and lied to.

There is a particular and longer page for deprogramming at

Physical Safety

As said before, physical safety is important for stopping programming and intimidation, and helps to make you feel psychologically safe. There are many ways of obtaining physical safety.

With programming and accessing, it is important to control the ways the perpetrators may communicate and intimidate. These are the telephone, email, postal mail and face to face contact. With an address, this can be hidden by postal mail being only postal boxes with redirected addresses. The post office is very concerned about privacy and will try its hardest to ensure this. You/the survivor could also ask a community centre, counselling agency, therapist, etc if their addresses can be used. With institutional recording of addresses such as banks and social security, you/the survivor can give a post office box. When they ask for a home address with social security you/the survivor can ask for privacy whereby only the manager of the office has access. Escaping a religious organization/cult i.e. ritual abuse is grounds in Australia.

With telephone numbers, you/the survivor can also make up a name when having the phone connected. Telstra does not require identification with over the phone installation. If you/the survivor receives intimidating calls, Telstra can change the number, sometimes free of charge. You/the survivor can also have a mobile phone with only a post office box number. You/the survivor can also use an answering machine to screen calls. With email addresses you/the survivor can obtain a free and anonymous email address at an internet email address provider where you do not need to either give a street/postal address or a correct one. Some providers are:, etc.

Some victims when being accessed also have to ring from public phones with specific times and numbers- sometimes free call numbers. This is because they maybe travelling or more accurately, being abused on missions, or because they are in a share house or flats close to each other where people could be listening. If you feel urged to leave the house or to find a public phone at particular times then this is programming and accessing. This can happen in Australia or overseas.

An important issue is that the perpetrators rely mostly on programming for contacting. So even if you have private postal and email addresses and telephone numbers, it is the programming within you that they abuse. In other words you could change your telephone number many times, but if you are programmed to ring say on Thursday afternoon at two o’clock, changing these numbers does not really affect what happens. Your deceived and tortured parts will still ring. The important thing is to be aware of lost time or feeling spaced out, or having an urge to do something irrationally, etc. Changing or having private telephone numbers, postal addresses and email addresses is important in that the perpetrators cannot contact you on these which they may have been relying upon before. Even if it is the programming times rather than the number that is important, by changing the number it also challenges the programming and forces you to rethink about what is actually happening. Why has there been a change in numbers? Is it because there is accessing going on? By talking to parts and seeing what is happening you can get an understanding of what is really happening.

Stopping face to face contact depends on the situation. If it is programming in that subconscious parts are meeting someone face to face either at a particular place or your home, it is again important to be aware of lost time or feeling spaced out, or having an urge to do something out of the ordinary or contrary to what you want to really do. With intimidation, where you are consciously being harassed, such as someone coming to the door, you can call the police. Get a description and the license number of the car if possible, and pass it onto the police and a lawyer. This applies to stalkers both walking and by car.

If a perpetrator, including someone in the family, continues to harass, then you can press and be granted a letter of demand and/or an apprehended violence order (called an avo) through a court. An avo specifically stops any written, telephone, internet or face to face contact and is supported by the police. Both are relatively easy to get. A letter of demand can be simply written by a lawyer, and a court will grant avos when a person shows some form of intimidation. Lawyers know how to get an avo very quickly. The avo particularly is treated very seriously by the police. (Lawyers can be free or very cheap for people on a health care card in Australia. Just ring Legal Aid in each state.) You do not have to explain why you do not want contact. The courts or police cannot demand a reason from you for why you are being harassed. This is simply intimidation and must stop and goes for both men and women survivors. Some survivors have said that they are sexual assault survivors (so as to not to have to explain AGOCMCP stuff) and which gives the police some understanding and empathy.

If you feel like challenging the perpetrator/s to lessen or actually stop the programming and intimidation, anonymously write down the abuse and said a copy to the perpetrator. Tell the perpetrator that copies have been given to unidentified trusted lawyers and counsellors which you have done. If the perpetrator does do anything you can call on the counsellor and the lawyer to provide the information. Basically it is calling their bluff and does stop them.

 A Safe Place to Live

As people, survivors want a safe and happy place to live. It is a basic human desire and right. Some survivors choose to settle down either in a new place or in the city/town/region they were/are abused at. The advantages of settling down are: your own space – the freedom to do what you actually want in that space, consistency, developing friendships and partnerships, going to work and doing studies, recreation in one place, a permanent on going counselling relationship, a long term support network close by, having pets, a garden, etc, having your own computer, TV/video, etc. Psychologically it is a nest and a reminder that you have escaped the perpetrator/s. The problem with settling down is that it can mean being accessed and reprogrammed. Some survivors are aware of this and also aware that they can stop it. They are confident that they know how to stop being accessed, reprogrammed and intimidated. What is important in choosing to settle down is truly knowing yourself and whether you can deal with possible accessing, reprogramming and intimidation. Also consider if you really want to settle down and you enjoy being in one place constantly. Most survivors do settle down and enjoy the comforts and consistency of a home. What is mostly important in settling down in a place you want is that you have decided to face the programming and possible intimidation and are prepared for it. This is the most important decision youll make in terms of housing and it shows a commitment to your recovery.

Safety can also mean physically escaping to another area that is a long way from the main perpetrators.  It is usually best to go to another city/town far away in another state or the other side of the country or even move to another country. This can be permanently or temporary, especially until the accessing programming at least is undone. This can be important both psychologically and physically. It is also important to try and pick a place that you were not sent to before or which the perpetrators didn’t want you to go to. As said before, the perpetrators would like you to be in one place as the main perpetrator is there and can manipulate you directly either with close accessing, deployment and/or reprogramming. The main perpetrator knows the main cues and deception abused. Also a lot of their time and money went into the programming which they do not want to lose. And there is some arrogance in that the perpetrator treats the victim like s/he is some “personal pet”. But AGOCMCP is a national and even international operation and network and the main perpetrator may pass on the cues and accessing, etc to another programmer in that new area and you maybe reprogrammed. Also be careful that you maybe relocated to a new city/town/region deliberately by the perpetrators as they may want the particular skills you were forced to get or for any other reason. They may try and deceive you that “they will help you escape perpetrators where you are staying”, but in fact are abusing you. Listen to what parts are telling you and whether you actually want to move to this new town.

Some survivors choose to stay in the same place they were abused in either as children and/or adults. They do this because they simply like the place and do not wish to move. They have built up long term friendships, counselling relationships, have innocent  family, abused or not living there, and who can be really important in escaping.  They may also know the media and other ways of educating about the abuse better because they have lived in the place for a long time. They may also simply enjoy the climate, what the city/town/region offers, etc. Safety is an important issue here as the long term perpetrators are also based there. A lot of breaking accessing is important. However, breaking programming and accessing is essentially the same everywhere and can be achieved in a place of long term abuse.

There are many safe places to live. If you’re needing to find protection and safety especially when undoing programming, mens, womens and youth refuges can provide such. Also staying in a hostel with other people can provide this also. A well lit house and staying with friends also deters perpetrators from frightening you in a house.

Travelling Constantly

 Many survivors constantly travel for physical safety. Constantly travelling can mean less or no reprogramming. The perpetrators would like you to be in one place as the main perpetrator is there and can manipulate you directly either with close accessing, deployment and/or reprogramming. The main perpetrator knows the main cues and deception abused. Also a lot of their time and money went into the programming which they do not want to lose. And there is some arrogance in that the perpetrator treats the victim like s/he is some “personal pet”.

The AGOCMP organisation is however a national and even international operation and network. Perpetrators can access and reprogram anywhere if you are being accessed, although it is more difficult and means more reprogramming. However, if you keep on moving this programming can become worthless as it is not tied to a particular “home based” perpetrator. However, perpetrators can also network with each other and just supply the “appropriate cues” for accessing and deployment to each other. I was reprogrammed at the northern tip of Sulawesi in Indonesia by a perpetrator based in Jakarta. I was still being accessed by the handler in Australia but not doing what she wanted and so she contacted another perpetrator in Jakarta and got her to fly to Manado the next large town and she came out to the island I was on, found me and reprogrammed me. And so perpetrators can still find you anywhere if you are being accessed.

A major concern is that the constant travelling may also be in reality that you are being sent on missions as a courier and spy. The perpetrators may have deceived you into thinking that you are “escaping” and owe them something which is to courier information and spy.

To examine this possibility, look at whether you actually enjoy travelling constantly or want to actually settle down. Look at what your dreams are saying and how you actually feel about travelling constantly. You may still be deployed for their dirty work and you may really want to live somewhere permanently away from the handler.


There is also safety from external physical and psychological harassment or intimidation. This is when perpetrators will try and harass you with telephone calls, stalking, following you in cars, sending mail and email, trying to get into your house and backyard, etc. This is different from when perpetrators try to cue programming with particular coded language in an email, etc, although the intimidation maybe attempting to cue the programming. Psychological intimidation generally abuses communication such as the telephone, email and the post, but may also include leaving images and words where you live, work, play or travel. They can be obvious such as “Die if you say anything”, but perpetrators are more disgusting and abuse either direct references to family such as sending a photo of your mum or writing places of abuse such as the name of a military barracks, etc. Then there are more direct cues such as colours, numbers in progression, coded language, etc. Physical intimidation also occurs such as perpetrators pretending they are travelling salesman and entering the house if they work out you’re alone. They can also stalk when the victim/survivor is travelling to work or university, etc.

Stopping Intimidation

There are many straightforward and practical ways of stopping intimidation.

With postal mail you can get a post box. With email you can change email addresses to one of the  many free or payment ones and use a pseudonym. It is also advisable to not send important information over the internet which can be now legally observed by ASIO. With a telephone you can get a silent number, and use an answering machine to screen calls, but remember cueing may occur by the number of rings. Also telephone calls may also be listened to without your consent due to recent supposed anti terrorist legislation. If you need to tell a trusted person something it is best to actually go for a walk with them. With housing you can stay/live with a friend or a share house, have security around the house, don’t answer the door, have a peephole, or live in a block of flats.

If you are on Social Security, you can have your postal and home addresses and telephone numbers blocked within the department. Only the regional manager has to know. This can be done by simply lodging an application citing that you may be intimidated by a religious cult (ritual abuse). The police are also concerned about intimidation and you can state that you are being constantly followed or threatened. You need to list the incidents with time and place to assist the police. There are actually police who are not involved with government operations and I have had good assistance with physical intimidation at a flat I was staying at.

 Another way of stopping intimidation is to call the perpetrators bluff and actually seek assistance from friends, your partner, your counsellor, the police, a lawyer, etc. Write down and give to a trusted lawyer, a counsellor, a friend, etc the names and addresses of perpetrators, the places of abuse, and all the information you can think of. This actually frightens the perpetrators as it draws attention to them. If you can tell the perpetrators that you have done this, it is even better. Going to the media is also very good. It seems very weird to the police, etc when you are being harassed because you have been to the media. It gives your story more credibility because why would you be harassed for no reason?

 Intimidation attempts to do either two things. Firstly, there is harassment simply to frighten and stop you talking about or remembering the abuse. Secondly it maybe trying to cue you by frightening parts into contacting. It can only work by frightening and threatening. The perpetrators cannot kill you or friends, or partner or innocent family or pets, etc. There would be a major investigation by the police and the media and if you have told someone such as a friend and counsellor about the abuse then this has to be taken seriously. The government perpetrators cannot afford to risk this and do nothing to survivors. No survivor, nor his/her family I know, and I know at least a hundred, has died from perpetrators. And many of these are survivors who have given public lectures to university students, been on national television programs, written books, etc. Survivors call the perpetrators’ bluff and know nothing can happen because if anything did, the murder would have to be investigated, and all information, including what has been told to a counsellor, what has been written to a friend, etc has to be revealed. The perpetrators cannot afford this and so actually do nothing.


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