Monday 12 January 2015

The Perpetrators

The Perpetrators

To be straightforward, all the perpetrators are basically “people” (sic) who want to harm and exploit victims in order to obtain wealth and power. There is nothing fanciful, exotic or mysterious about these extreme criminals. They are all psychopaths who have zero empathy or concern for anyone. They program, train and deploy victims in both the production and selling of the most lucrative commodities available; and in the surveillance and eradication of opposition in terms of socio-economic groups and systems, and in organised crime. They are conscious and willing perpetrators, and do not care how badly they torture and manipulate victims, including their own family, in order to make ill-begotten money. They are basically organised crime, utilising the latest methods in brainwashing, in order to control victims for obtaining large amounts of money and power. This is the make-up of all the perpetrators. They may try and hoodwink victims by lying that they “were programmed too”, but if they were sincere in being survivors, they would not be manipulating victims, but instead would be getting genuine support and getting victims free.

Each perpetrator is capable of understanding and doing programming or ‘assisting in it”, and can deploy. They know the general accessing language and techniques and are told the specific ones when accessing a certain victim sent to their area. Some become “experts” and “directors” in the mind control, or in deployment activities such as human experimentation and organised pedophilia. Each perpetrator then has specific “responsibilities” such as geographic areas, chasing and intimidating escapees, etc.

The Perpetrator Organisation

The perpetrators have organised themselves into a large organisation that has many facets. Depending upon what is the specific aim of the perpetrators, they would structure themselves to fit the following organisational styles and deploy victims within them. These include: an Organised Crime Syndicate, a Paramilitary Organisation, a Company and Small Government/Dictatorship. For example, when producing child pornography it has the style of organised crime; when killing refugees it is a paramilitary organisation.

            The organization resembles mostly a private militia which is a private non government force and is distinct from a national regular army. It is a militia in that it strictly adheres to military titles and the power within them, has an autocratic chain of command, and everyone, including victims are trained in military procedure. In essence, a private army. A private militia usually exists as a more right wing version of the regular army, and is abused to physically stop unionists and strikers, and to cause social chaos such as committing violent acts against the public such as bashing or killing a man on the street and then blaming innocent bystanders. 

The organization is tightly run and military in style and organization. Meetings are within particular periods, the mind control programming was done on specific days and times, the organized paedophilia, within say a cover of a “Christian group”, is done between certain hours, travelling done within a specific period, etc. There is a distinct hierarchy, with a major perpetrator controlling a certain area usually based on the number of perpetrators but also depending upon the area’s military and economic importance. There are specific networks that are based on either area, or on types of deployment and activities. General communication for telephone, email, etc is always coded in the most seemingly innocuous language and is never used for important information. This is because telecommunication and the post can be watched by anyone. For important information mc victims are abused as couriers.

Even though the organization is military in terms of command, the practices are more like a company in terms of exploiting mind controlled “workers” in the production and selling of commodities. In fact, the commercial terminology among the perpetrators, even for such criminal and inhumane acts as child pornography, is a “product”. The “ethos” and practice of the organization is one of extreme and unfettered capitalism where non conscious workers are exploited in any illegal way that makes a profit. Also, of importance to know, is that the organization has another objective and that is to observe and stop any political opposition in terms of socialist parties, student radicalism, Aboriginal land rights, etc.

In terms of its government face, the perpetrators will worm their way into government departments in order to exploit its resources. In fact, the abuse and organisation are sometimes called “govt mc” because there is so much exploitation and corruption of government resources. The areas where most members perpetrate are the military (the Australia Defence Forces, ADF), espionage agencies (Australian Security Investigation Organisation, ASIO and Australian Security Investigation Service, ASIS), the police especially the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). These departments are directly within the military, espionage, policing and external government relations spheres where victims are mainly deployed. However, perpetrators can also be in other seemingly innocuous departments such as Housing and Planning. This is for policing in society generally. They wish to control all victims and utilise any government resource to do so. The organization is also covert within the government departments themselves, even to staff within the ADF, ASIO, ASIS, the AFP and DFAT. Only perpetrators within the departments know of the existence of other perpetrators within them. The “business” can be easily hidden by closed/locked doors, innocuous telephone and email messages, etc.

The perpetrators will abuse established institutions for increasing wealth and power. They want the positions and resources of the institutions to enable faster, hidden communication and transactions with other illegal organizations and facilitate their own projects. For example, the position of “major” in the Australian army can enable private/unfettered contact with perpetrators overseas and in Australia. The resources of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade can open up control of masquerading “aid programs” which are in fact places of human experimentation. A worker in the Department of Housing can enable a perpetrator to move to an area. Likewise, a teaching position allows the direct grooming of a child for prostitution. The perpetrators have insidiously abused institutions to such a degree that victims have thought that all around them are “perpetrators in the institutions”. The abuse is still mostly called government/mc abuse because survivors thought it was the whole government harming them. Perpetrators will also abuse well respected societal positions such as a doctor conducting human experimentation in his office, and a priest abusing a church for ritual abuse.

As stated by the U.S.Senator Daniel K. Inouye, who chaired the 1977 U.S. Senate revelations concerning the illegal CIA development of mind control, "There exists (in the U.S. government) a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself." This is the same shadowy government that exists in the Australian government, and as similar to the CIA, abuses mind controlled victims.

Perpetrators are also in society generally for deliberate reasons. They act like “normal people” e.g. housewives, doctors, counsellors, teachers, principals, chemists, tradesmen, etc. They can also easily police neighbourhoods, recreation areas, workplaces, etc for radicalism. They may have these roles and positions generally, but the primary reason they have them is to perpetrate.

The controllers are company owners, and wealthy politicians wishing to abuse a covert and illegal organisation. This group determines the aims and operations, tells the mind control organization facilitators what to do (including the specific government departments and organised crime areas where the deployment happens), and organises with similar in other countries. This fascist elite wishes to maintain control of society and expand the economic greed of companies which it either represents or has direct financial control of. The government is seen as an instrument of social control and economic expansion by this elite. Military, espionage and social disruption activities are the main ways of obtaining social rule and economic greed. Before humanitarian legislation, especially after the end of the Second World War, this elite would simply and openly order the invasion of countries, spy on groups, etc. Now the government has to abuse a mind controlled group to do these secretly and without the victim’s knowledge.

The directors of the organisation are within the elite of the Australian government departments (particularly those mentioned above), the major company owners and directors, some of the mind control perpetrators themselves, and politicians wishing to abuse this covert and illegal organisation. In essence it is the ruling elite within Australia.  The greed for more money and power is what underlies the organizations activities and the government is the means by which it is done. Within Australia, the networks are used to obtain wealth through illegal activities such as organized paedophilia, drug production and trafficking, espionage and surveillance etc. The directors control the activities and organize it both internally and if need be externally e.g. drug importation. They also determine specific focuses such as espionage on specific groups. Overseas they communicate with similar perpetrators in other governments or groups that wish to establish new governments. They then supply arms, or military, economic, social and political information, etc such as with General Rambuka and Fiji. Then they militarily “support” major Australian and U.S. companies attempted control of cheaper labour supplies and/or natural resources in overseas countries such as BHP and Bougainville.

Under these is a second level of perpetrators who are the facilitators and who do most of the programming and handling of victims to tie into the controller’s selling of products. They also obtain money within the organisation by negotiating payments with the controllers, and can move up rank by the successful utilisation of victims. The facilitators are the programmers and handlers of the victims. Usually a handler is assigned a family and they control about ten families in all (depending upon the size of the family). They are not given the actual detail of any project as they could sell the information e.g. a drug containment on a specific ship, to another drug trader. This is a major reason why victims are abused. So that the memory of say a shipment is kept within a non conscious split personality.

Most facilitators were originally programmed and exploited as with all those treated as such. However, they showed themselves to be evil and of use to the controllers, and so did not need to be programmed. They are very willing to harm victims and without a conscience. The controllers and programmers, when assured that these new abusers will exploit and abuse victims and therefore make money for the controllers, will lift off their programming and install them as facilitators. They do not need to be programmed anymore and are “worthy” of being included within the exploitation.

Geographical Extent

A controller/director oversees a certain area or turf and which is usually based on the number of victims and facilitators, but also depending upon the area’s military and economic importance. There are specific networks that are based on either area, or on types of deployment and activities. General communication for telephone, email, etc is always coded in the most seemingly innocuous language and is never used for important information. This is because telecommunication and the post can be watched by anyone. For important information mc victims are abused as couriers.

It is a very large organization both geographically and in terms of numbers. For example, in the small Wollongong suburb I grew up in, there were many perpetrators. The primary school had a principal and three teachers, and the high school had a principal and five teachers. A local doctor, shopkeeper, and many housewives and workers were also perpetrators. The city was medium sized and perpetrators were in all the suburbs. I was mainly controlled by a perpetrator who worked in a government department in the city. Then when I was deployed to go to particular areas I was abused in most towns and cities. Each town, even very small ones would have at least one perpetrator. Some places and cities have large concentrations particularly if the town/city has major military operations such as Townsville or is strategic for other reasons e.g. Darwin and the proximity to the Australian government’s supply of arms to SE Asia.

Overseas, each major city in the western world would at least have an Australian perpetrator and they would be mainly found in either Australian departments such as DFAT or Australian government sponsored organizations such as AUSAID or education centres, etc. I was abused by perpetrators acting as supposed English teachers overseas who tortured me and whom I had to provide information to in Sulawesi in Indonesia, and by DFAT officials in Auckland, New Zealand whom I had to pass information to.

Within British, U.S. and Australian Imperialism

The Australian area comes under the main control of U.S. imperialism, and there are American perpetrators high up in this in Australia. Until the 1960s, it has been the British that have had much power and influence since it was the British which invaded and colonized in the 18th and 19th centuries. Australia may have gained some independence in 1901 with federation and ones own prime minister and parliament, but Australia still has a British constitutional monarchy. Since the 1960s, America has taken over most control from the British as seen in the presence of U.S. transnational corporations, political influence and military involvement.

The Australian perpetrators have a strong alliance with the U.S. perpetrators, and to a lesser extent, Britain. Before the 1970s, it was the British government that the Australian government was mostly allied to. My programming up to then was mainly within British imperialism, particularly the queen, and its alliance with the Australian perpetrators. I also had to worship Menzies and the traditional ADF. Currently it is mainly within U.S. imperialism and the U.S./Australian alliance. The extent to which the U.S. is so closely tied is so strong that it is difficult to differentiate specific interests. The Australian perpetrators have an inseparable alliance based on joint economic, political and military control of the SW Pacific and parts of SE Asia. I was abused with U.S. programming which was concerned with American world control. I even had to learn the capital cities of U.S. states and the American national anthem! This is part of the U.S. attempt at world control through its transnational corporations and worldwide military control.

The alliance also serves Australian imperialism in the regions. Major Australian companies particularly in mining, gas and in the production of steel have expanded their control over Melanesia, Indonesia, Timor Lorosae, Vietnam and other countries in SE Asia. Australian companies also now control many parts of the New Zealand economy and threatening to undermine its economic sovereignty. The directors of the organization abuse mc victims in the illegal activities of the greed of Australian imperialism.


As written, the organization mostly resembles a private militia which is a private non government force/army and is distinct from a national regular army. Such private militia did exist in Australia, especially Sydney and Melbourne, between the 1920s and 1950s. They were the Old Guard, New Guard and the White Army, and which were formed into large paramilitary units which secretly held training and possessed weapons. They were financed by the wealthy elite, especially the largest bank at the time, the Bank of New South Wales, and who opposed any left wing and socialist endeavours such as a publically owned Commonwealth Bank and halting any payments to private banks in London. One New Guard Colonel de Groot famously cut the ribbon opening the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1932 in an act of social disruption and to strengthen right wing supremacy. D.H. Lawrence in his novel “Kangaroo” described the violent activities against unionists and the secret military training of New Guard members in and around Sydney in the 1930s. Supposedly, these private militia were “dissolved” in the 1950s due to public pressure. However, the 1950s was when programming was introduced into Australia, and so I would say the militias became mind controlled “normal people” instead. Behind the mind controlled “normal people” and the deliberate guise of directors and handlers is the military unit as it is today. What also continue are the aims of The Old and New Guards, and White Army. These are to ensure a right wing politic, stop any left wing action and have “social chaos that can only be fixed by an autocratic right wing government”.

The perpetrators’ agenda, as with the New Guard, is to ensure that companies can exploit workers, and which is fundamental to the present capitalist economic system. This exploitation still occurs and private militias still undertake the same activities as the previously public ones. They still do illegal espionage on unions, left wing groups, Aboriginal activism and any opposition to businesses. They still orchestrate violence against groups they don’t want such as refugees. Like the New Guard they produce events deliberately designed to cause social chaos such as assassinations of civilians by mind controlled people. Producing social chaos means that the government can restrict civil liberties. All these ensure that business is in a powerful position by producing a conservative political climate, stopping any political activism that will reveal and stop business exploitation, and stops any unwanted labour that are different to those desired by companies e.g. refugees.

It is interesting that the public mass killing in Australia, by Martin Bryant in 1996 at Tasmania who “killed” thirty five people, has been documented by many as a case of a mind controlled assassin. Bryant was treated at the Tavistock Institute in London where I was threatened to be programmed at eight if I didn’t take notice of the handler. He was also being seen in Tasmania by a psychiatrist who was involved with the institute.




  1. I know I was controlled for decades without my knowledge. It caused much social harm to myself.

  2. It is horrible. I empathise :(
